Sparkly Princess

 Sunlight filtered through the blinds, casting gentle, golden beams across the room. The light played softly on the white walls, creating a serene and calming atmosphere.

Despite the clinical setting, the window offered a glimpse of the outside world. Ren could see the blue sky, dotted with fluffy, white clouds, and hear the distant chirping of birds, their songs a reminder of the vibrant life beyond the hospital walls. A slight breeze wafted in through the open window, carrying with it the subtle scent of blooming flowers and freshly cut grass from the hospital garden below. 

The system observed Ren hopping around from one corner to another and felt a sense of helplessness. It wasn't the morning that was exceptionally beautiful; rather, it was because Ren had been granted a rest from his daily workout session. As a result, even the mundane sunlight seemed to energize the usually lazy Ren.