A Glimpse of Past

Ren felt a chill seeping into his skin, his back completely drenched, his clothes sticking to his skin like a quagmire pulling him down with force he could not break away from.

Cold beads of sweat rolled down his forehead as he ripped the communicator off his thin wrist and flung it across the room. A task seemed difficult for his shaking hand, yet he did it. He didn't care if the mechanical device was still usable or not.

His breath quickened, his chest tightening with anxiety. He curled into himself, seeking some sort of comfort. His thoughts began to drift, slipping uncontrollably between his present life and his past.

Images of his old life flickered before his eyes: the warmth of his home, the laughter of friends, and the familiar taste of home-cooked meals which were his grandma's specialty.