If someone shares your food with you, that means they are on good terms, right?

Ren felt the soft fur of a small head brushing against his fingers. The cub's movements were cautious and deliberate, as if sensing the peculiar state of Ren's mind. The fluffy touch finally managed to ease his tangled heart.

'I am fine, little god,' Ren whispered internally, moving his fingers to gently press the small paw. His actions were discreet enough not to alert the two humans sitting on either side of him.

Ren waited patiently, but the room remained silent. Seconds ticked away, and finally, Ren couldn't bear it any longer. He raised his drooping head from Terim's shoulder and turned to look at Detective Kade, still sitting beside him.

Before Ren could muster the words to politely ask the detective to leave, Kade spoke first.

"You are angry," Kade observed, his voice calm.

It was not a question but a clear statement.

Angry? Yes, he was.
