What is the little cub struggling with?

Mira and Zenith were doing their best to protect their child. Even using him as a pawn in their plan was nothing worth considering.

On the other hand, his mother never once tried to contact him. Forget about a visit, she did not even bother to ask whether he was alive or dead.

She must have seen his news by now. And yet...

"Little god, Thank you." Ren glanced at the cub and smiled, those golden shiny eyes made the tsundere system a bit embarrassed, "It's just a few words. Why are you even thanking me for this?"

Ren chuckled, his chest was not so stuffy anymore, especially after looking at the lively cub. "Hmm, let's eat breakfast and then talk."

Ren pushed himself up from his 'cursed' bed, his movements a bit slow. He made his way to the kitchen, a place he had gotten quite familiar with.