Early Morning Banter

Ren saw as the food disappeared from his plate and directly appeared in the little god's mouth. His dream to watch the cub eat with a fork and knife shattered then and there. His disappointment did not even get a chance to settle in his mind when he heard the cub speaking.

'Tell me, Ren, why do you like these robots so much? Don't you have me? I can do so much more than any of these robots can. I can even go from one world to another without any problem, unlike them.' 

A smile on Ren's lips deepened as the complaints of his little god made their way toward his brain. By now, he knew better to coax this fur ball than to make it angry.

'It is not that, my guardian angel. I like the way these artificially intelligent metal beings could make human life so easy. In my previous world, I was blind. I used to hit anything in my way and needed constant help. My poor grandmother and my friends have to bear the weight of it all. So, I like these AI robots.'