Luthania City

The cub had returned to his side last night and now Fu Xian was in a hibernation state. More like, the cub was tired and fell asleep as soon as it appeared.

Ren refused to think why Fu Xian was this tired. Ignoring the sleeping cub, he glanced outside the window. The silver spacecraft descended toward the gleaming city named Luthania.

This was the heart of the world's most prestigious society. This was the city where film stars casually strolled the streets, and political figures and innovators could be seen mingling as if it were an everyday occurrence.

Each building was a work of art reaching into the clouds. It was undoubtedly designed by the best architects on the planet.

Even entering this city was no simple feat. It required passing through multiple layers of security scans, each more thorough than the last. After all that hustle one would need a special invitation just to set foot on its pristine streets.