Descending, Infidelity, Divorce

Amidst the darkness, a tumultuous entanglement unfolded. Warmth suffused through Wen Yao's body, her thoughts muddled, and her almond-shaped eyes glistened, partially closed.

"Yan, it hurts…" She couldn't clearly see the man, but instinctively felt it was her husband. She obediently leaned in, seeking comfort.

Her delicate waist was held firmly, and each inch of her being was invaded by passionate kisses, pulling her fiercely into an abyss.

Violated and demanded, under the influence of drugs, she was forced to endure the consuming flames.

The last barriers were swept away by the man's slender fingers, the girl’s raven-black strands cascading down, unveiling a vivid scene...

"Be a good girl. This is a gift for you, hmm?"

The next second, her hand was grasped, coerced downward, touching a chilly metallic clasp. She attempted to retract, but the man's hand tightened abruptly, denying her escape.

"Why hide? Only by opening it will you know how suitable it is and how much you like it." He chuckled, as if laughing at her worries, his clear voice brimming with perilous allure.

Wen Yao knew she couldn't evade this. Her supple waist was compelled to arch back, and her hand seemed like the key to unlocking a treasure trove.

With a soft click, the belt buckle was undone.

Her hands were pressed down forcefully, leaving no room for refusal. Her supple waist was forced to arch back, her skin flushed, eyes glistening with tears...

As seamless as ever.

A kaleidoscope of light, rising and falling.

The man's gaze was deep and profound. His lips trailing to her delicate ear and a sly smile tugging at his lips, he teasingly asked, "Do you like this gift, Yao Yao?"

From the moment he had pulled her into the abyss, she couldn't hear anything.

Ambiguous and enchanting, everything was thrown into chaos...

As light flooded in, Wen Yao awakened!

The unfamiliar surroundings left her baffled. Wasn't she at home? Where was this?

In an instant, fragmented memories from last night flooded her mind. The disarray, the tremendous pain, all reminded her of what had happened.

Bang! The door swung open forcefully! Her mother-in-law and younger sister-in-law rushed in one after another!

"Wen Yao! You shameless, cheap woman! How dare you cheat on A'Yan behind his back?!" Her mother-in-law, Jiang Ya, let out a sharp, ear-piercing scream, throwing a document harshly at her.

"This is the divorce agreement. Be sensible and sign it quickly!"

Wasn’t the man from last night her husband, Lu Yancheng?!

Wen Yao's breath hitched, as if a thunderbolt had exploded in her mind. An icy chill spreading throughout her body.

No wonder her mother-in-law had been so attentive last night. After she drank that glass of milk, why did she wake up in a hotel instead of her home?

So, she had been manipulated! Her mother-in-law had orchestrated her sleeping with another man to force her into divorce!

Did A'Yan know? Was he involved in this scheme?

After all, he had married her according to his grandfather's will, solely to inherit the entire Lu family estate!

Numerous voices clamored in her mind, making her feel blind and deaf. She summoned up all her energy and tossed the agreement aside, "I need to call A'Yan!"

She needed to hear it from Lu Yancheng himself!

Her younger sister-in-law, Lu Hanyue, stamped her foot in frustration, angrily scolding, "For five years, my brother supported you lavishly, but you, a barren chicken, couldn't even lay an egg. You dare cheat on him? Do you think he'll still answer your call? You might as well give up!"

No! Before giving up at all, she wanted to give this marriage one last chance!

Wen Yao's palms clenched, her meticulously manicured nails digging deep into her palms, but the pain only added to her clarity.

"I said I want to call A'Yan. Give me my phone!" Wen Yao insisted, though her heart was aching, as if someone were tearing it apart.

She needed to hear the truth from Lu Yancheng's lips in person.

"Go ahead and call!" Jiang Ya scoffed coldly, tossing the phone in front of her with a look of disdain. "I want to hear how you explain this! Tell my son you've been unfaithful, sleeping with another man?!"

Wen Yao immediately picked up the phone, trembling as she dialed Lu Yancheng's number.

Call after call, all went unanswered... and eventually, the phone shut down entirely!

Her hands went limp, the phone slipping from her grasp, shattering along with her heart.

Jiang Ya crossed her arms triumphantly, a smug expression on her face. "Wen Yao, do you find this self-inflicted humiliation amusing?"

Was it amusing? This call had made her realize completely that over these five years, he had never truly loved her. It also confirmed that this manipulation had his silent consent!

Perhaps he had wanted a divorce long ago. After all, his heart belonged to Song Yiling, never her!

Five years of marriage seemed long enough, and she had believed she could make Lu Yancheng see her love, see her virtues...

But it had all been a delusion. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't occupy even a tiny corner of his heart.

With tear-filled eyes, Wen Yao stared at the two standing before her. "To make me divorce, you actually schemed against me so maliciously!"

"Who do you think you are? How dare you threaten us?" Lu Hanyue burst out angrily, charging forward with a raised hand, aiming to slap her!

But in the next instant, Wen Yao firmly grasped her hand and pulled it forcefully. Lu Hanyue stumbled and fell onto the bed.

"If you want me to sign, be more polite to me! Otherwise, it will only take longer and longer!" Wen Yao swallowed a trace of bitterness in her throat, her heart aching fiercely.

How could it not ache? This was the man she had loved for ten years... But even though it was difficult, she had to learn to let go.

She couldn't turn her life into a butt of the joke.

Jiang Ya's eyes flickered as she thought. She had orchestrated all of this to make Wen Yao sign the divorce agreement, right? If, at this crucial moment, things went awry due to a quarrel, all her plans would be in vain.

Jiang Ya signaled for Lu Hanyue to stop talking.

"Sign it." She looked back at Wen Yao, her tone slightly gentler than before.

Wen Yao took a deep breath, struggling not to let Jiang Ya see her weakness. She picked up the agreement and examined it. The terms were very detailed, and the phrase "leave with nothing" struck a painful chord in her eyes.

Perhaps today’s divorce was the wisest thing she had done in the five years of marriage.

Seeing Wen Yao sign, Lu Hanyue's smile turned particularly smug. She mocked with the cruelest words, "A sparrow can never become a phoenix even when perched on a branch! A village girl like you should stay in the slums with your old grandmother forever!"

Wen Yao's gaze turned cold in an instant. She picked up a cup of steaming hot milk and poured it fiercely over Lu Hanyue's head.

"You can insult me, but you can't insult my grandmother!" Her grandmother was her Achilles' heel.

"Ah!" Lu Hanyue screamed wildly, "Wen Yao, you slut!"