Wen Yao, How Long Do You Want to Keep Stirring Trouble?

Lu Yancheng!

Hadn't he gone to Nan City? Why was he here?!

Her heart tightened, and for a moment, she felt flustered and lost, frozen in place.

With a loud crash, the next moment, the fragile door was completely smashed open!

Lu Yancheng entered the room, sweeping his eyes over her space.

Could anyone live in a place like this? Was she even considering living somewhere comfortable while throwing a tantrum?

He sneered, "Playing the 'remember the bitterness and cherish the sweetness' act?"

Wen Yao scoffed. What bitterness did she remember? What sweetness did she cherish?

"It’s late. Mr. Lu, what’s the trouble?"

Her distant voice and unfamiliar address made his brows furrow, and his gaze turned particularly sharp and fierce, releasing a terrifying anger.

She had spent five years by his side, living without dignity or self, just for him, for five years.

He knew her expressions, her emotional fluctuations. He could read her.

But even though she knew he was angry, she didn't want to endure it anymore.

"If there's nothing, Mr. Lu, please take three steps back, close the door, and leave my home."

She had given him a divorce agreement, left the house, and moved to this godforsaken place!

Now, he was at her door, but she didn't want to look at him, even for a second. She even wanted to push him away?

He had truly indulged her too much, allowing her to become unruly, challenging his boundaries again and again.

His handsome features were cold and hard, his gaze sharp and ominous.

He didn't step back. Instead, he stepped forward, pressing closer and closer!

Wen Yao retreated step by step until she was backed into a corner, with nowhere else to go.

He reached out with a single hand, gripping her slender waist, and lowered his eyes to gaze at her. "Wen Yao, how long do you want to keep stirring trouble?"

Stirring trouble? He was attributing everything to her causing trouble?

Wen Yao couldn't help but laugh, laughing at herself for being foolish, truly foolish.

She pressed her palm against his chest, trying to maintain some distance between them.

"Lu Yancheng, this time, I'm serious."

She knew Lu Yancheng's temperament. Behind his cold facade, there was a heart that could be cruel and merciless. Unless absolutely necessary, it’d be better that they split amicably.

He was a person she couldn't aspire to or afford to offend. After five years of being battered, she had to wise up.

But what she couldn't understand at the moment was—according to what Jiang Ya had said, the divorce agreement was brought by Lu Yancheng. With no response when she called him, everything seemed to confirm that Jiang Ya and her daughter acted with his tacit consent!

She had granted their wish, signing the divorce papers and divorcing him. So why was he here now?

He wasn't in her sight, not even looked at.

Lu Yancheng's expression turned fierce as he captured her jaw, forcing her to lift her head to meet his eyes.

His fingertip traced her red lips.

Wen Yao furrowed her brows, wanting to evade his touch.

Lu Yancheng coldly chuckled. She was acting like it was real.

How could she possibly leave him? How could she bear to leave him? Everyone in the Lu family knew that she was hopelessly in love with him!

At this moment, wasn't she just playing a little trick, trying to catch his attention?

But she had succeeded, hadn’t she?

He had abandoned the project signing early the next morning and flew back to Jiang City overnight, and he had even come to her in person!

But she was still sulking?

His cold gaze, tinged with barely perceptible annoyance, settled on her as he said, "While my patience lasts, behave and come back home with me."