She Must Be Cheating

He pulled one side of the blanket and wrapped her up tightly.

"Wen Yao, I'm giving you some time to calm down." His expression was cold and haughty, and his deep voice left no room for rebuttal. "Three days from now, I hope you to change back to who you used to be."

After his words fell, he got up and headed towards the door.

Wen Yao lay on the bed, gazing at his receding figure through the dim floor lamp. No matter when or where, he always seemed aloof and condescending.

In the business world, he easily controlled everything; in matters of relationship, he had controlled her for five years.

In his eyes, she was just a part of his myriad business affairs, nothing more.

She lowered her gaze, the bedroom door closed, and faint rustling sounds came from outside.

However, the soundproofing in the villa was excellent, so Wen Yao couldn't hear anything they were saying...

"A'Yan, this woman has already signed the divorce agreement and agreed to leave empty-handed. Why bother bringing her back?" Jiang Ya couldn't understand. What was so good about this Wen Yao?

Lu Yancheng's icy gaze swept over her. "When one’s mind is unclear, can anything he signs be counted as valid?"

Jiang Ya was taken aback, her tone anxious as she said, "Her mind isn't unclear. If anything, she's too clear. She managed to deceive your grandfather five years ago into putting her name on the will. During these five years, she benefited a lot from our Lu family. Now that she's willing to sign the divorce agreement, she must be cheating on you!”

Lu Yancheng’s cold gaze swept around, his voice not angry, but full of authority. “From now on, I don’t want to hear this kind of talk again."

With that, he turned and walked toward the elevator.

Jiang Ya stared at the closed master bedroom door, so angry that she gritted her teeth and clenched her fists. "If he can bring her back, then I can certainly throw her out!"

Lu Yancheng glanced at his wristwatch. He had ample time to fly directly to Nan City. The morning's project signing was crucial, and Gu Zhun might not be able to handle it alone.

He immediately instructed his secretary to arrange a private jet and left the Lu Mansion.

While on the way to the airport, Lu Yancheng furrowed his brow slightly, pinching the bridge of his nose. He issued an order, "There's a box in Jiang Xiang's suite. Have someone retrieve it and deliver it to her."

As the traffic light turned red, his secretary, Fei, who was by his side, quickly pulled out a delicate velvet box from his pocket.

With a smirk, he presented it to Lu Yancheng. "Mr. Lu, is this what you were referring to?"

The velvet box that had been thrown into the waste basket in the presidential suite.

Lu Yancheng raised an eyebrow, his eyes darkening slightly.

Fei shivered, fear evident in his eyes.

Until that cold voice sounded, "Well done."

Fei, the secretary, let out a sigh of relief. He thought he was really in trouble.

Lu Yancheng took the velvet box. He still had time, so why not deliver it himself? She couldn't possibly keep arguing with him, right?

He immediately ordered in a cold voice, "Turn around."

"Huh?" Fei was dumbfounded, thinking he had misheard.

"I told you to turn around. Can't you understand human language?"

"Yes, yes." Fei turned the car around and headed back towards the Lu Mansion.

Just as Lu Yancheng left, Jiang Ya woke up her dreaming daughter, Lu Hanyue. The mother and daughter, of the same mind, stormed toward the master bedroom.

Wen Yao was well aware of the antics of this bizarre mother-daughter pair. When she saw the Maybach leaving the villa and confirmed that Lu Yancheng had left the Lu Mansion, she immediately got up, opened a nearby cabinet, and took out her toolbox.

Making sure that everything was there, she prepared to leave. However, she unexpectedly encountered the mother and daughter face-to-face!

Bang! A loud noise! The door of the master bedroom was forcefully pushed open!

"Wen Yao! You signed the divorce agreement to fool us," Jiang Ya's sharp voice rang out, piercing everyone's ears, "and then in front of Yan, you pretended to be obedient and innocent, saying you signed it while not in your right mind! You really think you can play tricks on us?"

Lu Hanyue looked disgusted. "A deceitful woman is always full of schemes! Mom, don't waste your words with her!"

Wen Yao frowned her delicate brows. Hearing Jiang Ya's interrogation and seeing Lu Hanyue's disdainful look, she found the situation quite amusing. "Step aside."

"What did you say? Say it again!" Jiang Ya was so furious that she pointed at Wen Yao, wondering if she had misheard.

"If somethings goes wrong with your ears, go see a doctor!" With her words spoken, Wen Yao picked up her toolbox and walked around Jiang Ya and Lu Hanyue, heading downstairs.

Jiang Ya screamed angrily, "Security, catch this wicked woman!”

Jiang Ya had the upper hand in numbers, and Wen Yao couldn’t possibly fight against so many bodyguards. But it would take them some time to reach her. Having lived in the Lu Mansion for five years, she was very familiar with the place.

She immediately went downstairs, walked through the corridor, and prepared to leave through the backyard!

Just as she was about to bypass the fountain and rush out of the back door!

Bang— the back door was closed!

"Surround her!" Jiang Ya's fierce voice rang out!

Dozens of bodyguards came from all directions, surrounding Wen Yao layer by layer.

Wen Yao stood still, tightly clutching her toolbox.