Pleasure and Satisfaction

"Look carefully, whether we have a relationship or not and who your man really is!" Wen Yao felt ice-cold all over, trembling as she struggled, trying to hold down his wandering hand. But he easily captured her, making her unable to move.

With a soft sound, the final barrier was breached!

A tremendous sense of shame engulfed her! She could no longer restrain herself, and tears poured down...

"Why are you crying?" He suppressed the heartache that threatened to spread, kissing every inch of her skin like a predator. In a cruel voice, he said, "When you do something wrong, shouldn't you accept punishment?"

Wen Yao raised her tear-streaked eyes and looked through the mirror at him behind her.

Her hair clung to her cheeks, her clothes were crinkled, her skin flushed, and she looked utterly disheveled. His suit was still perfectly neat, and he still had that cold, restrained demeanor.

How ironic. It was as if someone like him, of higher status, was inherently meant to play with her feelings!

But... why?!

She caught a glimpse of the tenderness in his eyes, was it pity for her? Whatever it was, as long as it could help her escape, it was enough!

With tear-filled eyes, Wen Yao forced a bitter smile and said, "If humiliating me like this can give you pleasure and satisfaction, then please... make it quick."

The last three words were gritted out through clenched teeth, and in that instant when she lowered her gaze, it was full of brokenness.

His brow furrowed tightly, a wrenching pain tore through his heart, spreading to every inch of his body, making it hard for him to breathe...

The boiling anger subsided in that moment. He helped her tidy up, whispering, "I won't agree to a divorce."

As he tried to wipe away her tears, she recoiled from him with disgust.

That phrase "Sorry, I scared you" was like a thorn in his throat.

She wiped the tears from her cheeks hastily and opened the fitting room door.

"Yao, the shop assistant said you were trying on clothes... you..." Shen Nao saw Wen Yao coming out and walked up to her, feeling that something was off.

Wen Yao looked at the shop assistant, her gaze cold, and gave her a stern look.

The shop assistant lowered her head guiltily.

Wen Yao composed herself, not wanting Shen Nao to notice anything suspicious, and asked with a faint smile, "Did you buy the suit and the formal dress?"

Shen Nao nodded, "Yeah, it’s all done."

"I'll transfer the money to you. Let's go." Wen Yao held Shen Nao’s hand and left quickly.

Only when they were out of the high-end store did the fitting room door open.

The shop assistant was also indignant. This was the first time she had done something so morally questionable, but she had no choice! Still, she was curious to see who dared to something so inappropriate to such a beautiful lady!

But when the man walked out, the shop assistant was instantly dumbfounded. This man... was simply a god descending to earth! But why did he seem a bit familiar?

Lu Yancheng completely ignored the shop assistant. He dialed his secretary's number in a rage and said, "Tell the people in Nan City that the project signing should be completed today. If they don't sign today, they can forget about signing it ever!"

His secretary on the other end of the phone was confused. Wasn’t the project supposed to be signed tomorrow? How did it suddenly become today?!

"Understood." He didn't dare to ask more but immediately complied, arranging a private jet to Nan City.

Lu Yancheng left through the back door and headed to the airport.

Meanwhile, Wen Yao and Shen Nao had just stepped out of the high-end store...

"Wen Yao!"

Suddenly, a loud voice rang out.

Wen Yao followed the voice and her delicate eyebrows furrowed slightly.

She saw a woman taking off her sunglasses and mask, smiling brightly.

It was Song Yiling.

Wen Yao tugged at the corner of her lips.

She hadn't checked her horoscope before leaving today, and all the bad luck was coming to her voluntarily.

Shen Nao was also quite surprised and murmured quietly, "Song Yiling? Yao, do you know her?"

Wen Yao knew very well that Song Yiling and Jiang Ya were a pair of venomous snakes. Birds of a feather flocked together, and they were the typical kind who couldn't speak good words.

And Shen Nao had a straightforward personality and was easily provoked.

In the end, this was her own business, and there was no need to involve Shen Nao in it. "I think I left my phone in the high-end store just now. Could you help me retrieve it?"

"Ah? Sure! I'll go right now!" Shen Nao didn't think too much and quickly headed towards the high-end store.

Song Yiling saw Shen Nao leaving and knew that Wen Yao purposely sent her away.

She walked over with a smile. "Isn't that the assistant of Fanchen's boss? Since you study design, are you trying to get close to the assistant so that you can get a job and make your living?"

"But it's understandable. After divorcing and leaving with nothing, you can't just eat nothing, right?"

Since Wen Yao remained silent, Song Yiling felt even more delighted!

She was ready to vent on Wen Yao all her anger and dissatisfaction over not being able to reach Lu Yancheng! After all, soft-shelled turtles would always be soft-shelled turtles. They couldn’t even make a peep!

“Haven’t designed for so many years, you still know how to draw? What if you design something ridiculous? That’ll certainly be a joke.”

“Just like your marriage. You married A’Yan for five years, but you couldn’t even give him a child. Isn’t that funny?”

"With such a stiff face, yet you still managed to smile. You're really amazing."

Faced with Song Yiling's bitter sarcasm, Wen Yao easily retorted with just a single sentence, striking a chord in her painful spot!

You see, Song Yiling had undergone numerous surgeries just to look better than Wen Yao.

Song Yiling's smile instantly froze on her face!

She couldn't believe it! The usually weak and easily bullied Wen Yao was actually fighting back?!

"Wen Yao, what did you say? Say it again!"

Wen Yao chuckled, "I've said it clearly enough. If you can't hear well, you should join Jiang Ya to buy a hearing aid! I've already signed the divorce papers. You can now go marry Lu Yancheng and I sincerely hope you would give birth to a dozen of children soon."

As her words landed, Shen Nao ran over, "Yao, I didn't find your phone."

"I found it in my bag just now. Thank you for going through the trouble." Wen Yao apologized to Shen Nao.

"It's nothing! We're a team, aren't we?"

This was her idol! She wouldn't hesitate to do anything for her idol!

"Are you done talking with Song Yiling?" Shen Nao hadn't expected Wen Yao to know Song Yiling.

Wen Yao nodded. "I've said everything that needs to be said. If she didn't understand, that's her problem."

Shen Nao was momentarily stunned and felt that something was off.

Just as the two were preparing to leave, Song Yiling's voice sounded again.

"Hey! You're Fanchen's assistant, right? I saw you once when I went to Fanchen to get my measurements taken."

Shen Nao nodded. Her first impression of Song Yiling wasn't good or bad. She simply felt that Song had the princess syndrome without actually being a princess. But as a hottest rising star, she would be kissed up by many people, so having the princess syndrome seemed quite normal.

Song Yiling sized up Shen Nao with a scornful and mocking tone. She said, "I just wanted to remind you that while this person beside you may have a design background, she hasn't been drawing anything for five years. If Fanchen hires her, it might end up with a huge loss."

Shen Nao was left with a big question mark on his face. Did Song Yiling have some sort of mental diseases? How did she become so popular?

Wasn't it all because she wore dresses designed by Yao Tiao, which allowed her to overshadow everyone else?

But now, the mysterious designer, Yao Tiao, was standing right in front of her, and she didn't even recognize her?

Wen Yao's calm voice sounded, "I'm afraid Miss Song won't have your wish fulfilled. I've already successfully signed with Fanchen."

Song Yiling was astonished! She didn't expect Wen Yao to have already found a job?! It hadn't even been 48 hours since she signed the divorce papers!

She gritted her teeth in frustration and said, "Having a designer like you at Fanchen is a disgrace! I will tell my agent to immediately terminate the collaboration with Fanchen."