Video Evidence, She's No Innocent Lamb

A cold, mechanical female voice repeated itself.

Dialed once, twice, three times—each time, it was in a state of being engaged.

Lu Yancheng's expression grew colder. He rarely called Wen Yao, and this time, he took the initiative. Yet, she wasn't picking up.

He cast a sideways glance at the nearby Housekeeper Lu. "Did you upset her again?"

The word "again" was used just right.

Housekeeper Lu turned pale in fear, quickly shaking his head as he explained, "Young Master, it's a misunderstanding! The vegetable delivery company came this morning, and I was checking the vegetables with a few servants in the back kitchen. I didn't even see Madam."

Lu Yancheng's terrifying expression didn't ease despite Housekeeper Lu's explanation. The little girl was angry again; something must have happened.