Hero Saves the Beauty – Self-Directed Drama


A deafening noise!

The heavy door was forcefully kicked open, trembling violently!

Lu Yancheng!

Wen Yao's pupils suddenly shrank.

She had already been suspicious of him, and her doubts were now deeper.

"Playing tricks on my territory, and on my woman?"

"Quite audacious!"

His voice dropped heavily.

Yu Qun and the sponsors were so scared that their legs went weak, and they fell to their knees with a thud.

"Mr. Lu, we, we were just… having dinner."

Lu Yancheng hadn't spoken yet, but Wen Yao spoke first.

"Mr. Lu, everything has an order."

"Let me deal with my matter first, and then you can deal with their tricks on your territory, alright?"

Lu Yancheng squinted his inscrutable eyes.

From what the young lady meant, was she asking him to deal with it?

Alright then, he'd be by her side, backing up his wife.

Lu Yancheng fell silent, sitting in the seat beside Wen Yao.

His slender fingers tapped on the table, making a "da da" sound, one after another.