Seeking Help from an Outsider

"Of course, I know," Wen Yao said with a light laugh. "Song Yiling, I have to thank you for giving me such a great opportunity to deal with you!"

At this point, Song Yiling realized, "You did it on purpose, deliberately distracting my staff?!"

"I set a trap for you, and you fell right into it. Is there any need to be surprised?" Wen Yao replied with a smile.


Song Yiling struggled to break free, but Wen Yao held her firmly against the wall.

She had no choice but to call for help from Shen Nao, who was not far away.

However, Shen Nao had turned her back and pretended not to see anything, busy packing up.

With no other option, Song Yiling had to call for help loudly.

Wen Yao picked up a cloth from the nearby cabinet, held onto Song Yiling's face, and shoved the cloth into her mouth.

"Mmm, mmm..." Song Yiling couldn't speak, only staring wide-eyed at Wen Yao.