A Good Man, Who Gets Married Without Wearing a Wedding Ring?

"What? Lu Yancheng didn't tell you? He has a hidden ailment."

With that, Wen Yao hung up the phone directly.

Song Yilin shouted into the phone for a long time without receiving any response. When she tried calling back, her number was blocked.

Song Yilin felt completely frustrated. She didn't know what kind of hidden ailment Lu Yancheng had...

It felt like her heart was being scratched out. She could only dial Lu Hanyue's number.

"Yue Yue, has your brother been feeling unwell recently?"

Right now, Lu Hanyue was in Hengdian, chasing after celebrities and their cars.

She answered without much care, "How would I know? Where did you hear that?"

"Wen Yao! She said your brother has a hidden ailment."

Lu Hanyue fell silent for a few seconds, then hurriedly denied, "How is that possible?"

"Forget it, I'm with Shen Jin right now, and he's about to start his car!"

"Future sister-in-law, don't bother me while I'm chasing celebrities! I'm hanging up!"

"Hello? Hello?!"