New Spokesperson, Stirring Up the Ex-Husband

"Grandmother, these chestnuts..."

"Oh, I bought them in the morning. I was free anyway. I saw that you were still asleep, so I peeled them for you. Eat them while they're still warm. Have as many as you want."

Grandmother smiled and pushed the bag of chestnuts in front of Wen Yao.

Looking at the plump chestnuts, memories of last night flashed through Wen Yao's mind. She shook her head to dispel those thoughts and put the chestnuts into her mouth without thinking much.

After finishing breakfast, she gave her grandmother some instructions and prepared to leave for work. However, just as she stepped out of the door, her grandmother called her back.

"Yao Yao."


"You should treat A'Yan well..."

Wen Yao's nose tingled, and she awkwardly nodded her head, smiling as she replied, "I understand, Grandmother."

Afterward, she waved to her grandmother and left in a hurry. She was afraid that any slight hesitation might reveal something to her grandmother.