A Person Forgets Easily When They're in a Good Position; Offending Hard Targets

Liu Xuan: !!!

She had never dreamed that Wen Yao's husband would be such a stunning handsome man, rather than a middle-aged old man. The flames of jealousy burned fiercely in Liu Xuan's heart...

Her grandmother lowered her head and suppressed a smile. Despite the pain in her legs, her heart was elated.

Wen Yao looked at Lu Yancheng, pursed her lips, and remained silent.

The next second, Lu Yancheng turned his gaze to her grandmother and said, "After returning to Jiang City, I will arrange for the most authoritative doctors to treat you. There will also be doctors visiting regularly."

Her grandmother was momentarily stunned by his words.

"A'Yan, you really don't need to... My old problems..."

Lu Yancheng smiled faintly, "As your grandson-in-law, I'm better than the village clinic."

Wen Yao: Has Lu Yancheng suddenly turned into someone else?

Liu Xuan was even more furious. She handed the prescription angrily to Wen Yao.