Dog Eats Dog

The upper class circle in Jiang City hasn't been much in the news lately.

And this photo is with Lu Yancheng's mother and Luding Entertainment's current first sister Song Yiling!

She asked for the phone number of Shen Rou, a media outlet that specializes in reporting on the dirt and grime of the upper class.

Then she did some tongue-in-cheek and sold the photo with one hand!

Paypal arrival - $100,000 dollars!

Shen Rou learned about the things that had happened to Wen Yao in the Fishing Village and only felt her heart skip a beat, but when she heard that she had sold the photos of Jiang Ya and the others and made a hundred thousand dollars, she felt a surge of darkness again!

You know what those unscrupulous media outlets are best at is looking at pictures and writing stories!

Even if they were afraid of the Lu family and didn't dare to make up too much, the fact that they developed the Fishing Village and brought along Little Flower Song Yiling was enough to be talked about.