Who Is the Employer?

Wen Yao feigned fear as she turned sideways and moved towards the wall.

Seeing how scared she was, the man in the lead stroked his chin and revealed an extremely greedy expression as he asked menacingly!

"You're Wen Yao? You look even better in real life than in the picture... Brothers, we've made a fortune today!"

Indecent laughter rang out in succession.

Wen Yao frowned her showy eyebrows.

What did they just say? Pictures? They have photos of her? It's true that someone paid for the murder!

Is it that Jiang Ya can't wait, or that the Liu family can't sit still?

Wen Yao deliberately had tears in her eyes as she continued to condescend, "Several brothers, we have never met before and have no grievances or hatred, can you spare me?"

"Release? You're so beautiful, brothers can't let go! Pity...... who let you offend rich people!"

"How much did she pay you guys? I'll give you double!"