Late Affection Is More Bitchy Than Grass

"Is that how much you want to divorce me?!"

"Yes, I dream of it!"

What did she say? She's dreaming?

Lu Yancheng's hand, suddenly tightened!

That handsome and peerless face was full of displeasure, his temples throbbed abruptly, and his head ached even more!

"Wen Yao, do you think that my Lu Yancheng's wife is something you can be and leave whenever you want? Listen to me carefully, you can only be my woman in this life!"

The words fell out of his mouth, and still afraid of her anger, he let go of his hand.

He knew that his grandmother was very important to her, so he didn't want to alarm the old man, but in the final analysis, he was still afraid that she would be angry ah ......

Lu Yancheng's leg was injured, the wound had not yet healed, he walked forward step by step, but he could not tell whether it was his leg that hurt or his heart.

The little girl is accustomed to killing him.

Seeing this, Secretary Fei quickly asked Che Fu to push his wheelchair and follow him!