Movie King's Confession

What is love?

Gu Zhun left, and Lu Yancheng pressed the intercom ringer.

Secretary Fei entered the office and respectfully shouted, "Mr. Lu."

"Fai Heng, do you love your wife?"

Secretary Fei was so scared that his legs went weak, "Mr. Lu, I don't want to give up this job, and I don't want to divorce my wife ah ......"

Lu Yancheng: "...... "Then I want to divorce my wife?

Gotta, ask an idiot!

"Get out!"

Secretary Fei nodded repeatedly and rolled out of the room nimbly.

In the blink of an eye, there is only less than half a month left before the Ruiji Annual Gala.

Wen Yao moved into the Flourish Lane, almost never left the door, "Snowy Night's Radiance" sewing process is complicated, she had to work overtime day and night, and finally entered the finishing stage.

Grandma followed the sunset red travel group out to tour the mountains, she inevitably still a little uneasy, almost every day will talk to her old man on the phone.

Today is no exception.