Heading to the Civil Affairs Bureau, a Fresh Divorce Agreement

Lu Hanyue nervously shrunk her neck. "I... I..."

"I'm asking you a question!"

"Yes, yes..." Lu Hanyue looked at Gu Zhun. "It's my cousin."


Lu Yancheng turned to Gu Zhun with a cold expression. "You can't get out on your own, but you're quite skilled at getting others out!"

"A'Yan, no matter what, Hanyue is your own sister, my cousin. We can't really let her go to jail, can we? If she gets a criminal record, what will her future be like? It's not good for the Lu family's reputation either, and this is just a small matter..."

A small matter? Lu Yancheng grabbed his collar, but his strength was a bit feeble, and his complexion appeared unhealthy due to his illness.

"Do you think it's a small matter that she plagiarized my wife's work?"

Gu Zhun was shocked. "What did you say? Hanyue plagiarized Wen Yao's work?!"

Gu Zhun turned to look at Jiang Ya. "Aunt, didn't you say that Wen Yao set a trap to frame Hanyue?"