Won't You Fall in Love with Wen Yao?

Gu Chuanze looked up and saw Shen Jin, dressed like a warlord from the Republican era. He was astonished. "What's going on? Are you playing time travel?"

Shen Jin had rushed to Zheyao Villa as soon as she received a message from Shen Rou. She didn't even have time to change her clothes.

"I'm asking you, what do you want to do to Wen Yao?" Shen Jin asked.

"What can I do to her? She's so capable, and she dared to challenge Lu Yancheng. I doubt she cares about me. It's a relief if she doesn't do anything to me!" Gu Chuanze replied.

"Then why did you falsely recognize her as your sister? Are you starting to like Wen Yao?" Shen Jin asked.

"I... I like her," Gu Chuanze admitted.

Shen Jin's expression suddenly changed. "You like her?"

"Not that kind of like!" Shen Chuanze sighed and pushed Zhao Zijie. "You explain."

"Oh, okay."

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