Additional Regulations

He signed on the budget sheet and asked in a hushed tone, "Do all the top ten gowns for the New Year's premiere need to be showcased?"

"Yes, Mr. Lu," Ouyang nodded.

"In that case, let's introduce a new provision in the name of Gu Zhun."

"Mr. Lu, what is the new provision?" Ou Yang inquired.

"For the New Year's premiere, it's of utmost importance that the dress designer accompanies the shoot. If any issues arise, they can make immediate adjustments. Do you understand my meaning?" This way, he could meet her.

Ou Yang nodded and said, "I'll make the arrangements."

"Secretary Fei, assist him in handling this matter."

"Of course."

Subsequently, the two of them exited the CEO's office. Ou Yang was perplexed and turned to Secretary Fei, "Fei, why is Mr. Lu suddenly getting involved in the entertainment department's affairs?"

Secretary Fei had no words; how could he explain? He couldn't possibly say that Mr. Lu was doing this to see his ex-wife, right?