Accidentally Learning They Were Equally Pitiful

Wen Yao immediately looked over and saw that he was still asleep, which relieved her. It turned out to be a sleep-talking dream. In this dream, he was apologizing to her, but this apology didn't stir any emotions within her.

"Lu Yancheng, I never wanted your apology, but today, I'll accept it."

An apology, in reality, had no substantive effect. It was just meant to make someone feel a little better. Since she had already made up her mind to divorce him, she had already let go of herself, so whether he apologized or not didn't matter anymore.

Wen Yao looked at the sleeping Lu Yancheng and noticed that his brows were furrowed, indicating that he wasn't sleeping peacefully.

She blinked her watery eyes and whispered, "I've received your explanation. From now on, we're even."

Wen Yao withdrew her hand from his grip without hesitation, then turned and left.

She began packing her luggage, preparing to go to Fishing Village.