Wen Yao, You Must Die!

Monstrous waves surged, threatening to engulf everyone! It was only now that people realized the danger. Desperate shouts echoed through the crowd: "It's ebbing! Run! Head for the shore!" The entire beach descended into chaos, with many people either swept into the sea by the huge waves or caught in the crowd's pushing and shoving. "Ah!" Synchronized screams filled the air. In this dire situation, nobody could remain composed.

"Help! Help!" A deafening plea for help could be heard as towering waves, reaching several meters high, engulfed those struggling to escape. Witnessing this, Wen Yao reacted swiftly. She forcefully pushed Gu Chuanze onto the shore. However, she herself was carried away by the waves.

"Sister!" Gu Chuanze exclaimed in shock. After escaping the immediate danger, he tried to go back and rescue Wen Yao but was stopped by her.