Default Means I Can Love You

His intense gaze made her heart skip a beat. She quickly averted her eyes, fearing that she would fall into his deep, dark gaze with no way to escape.

Wen Yao avoided his gaze and took a deep breath. She pursed her lips and said, "Lu Yancheng, I'm really not the same Wen Yao as before. Whether you love me or not is your business, but I won't give you anything in return. Even so, do you still want to continue loving me?"

"Yes," he answered without hesitation, his tone resolute.

Even after she had made it so clear, explicitly telling him that his love would be an unrequited one, he still chose to continue! He must either be crazy or foolish!

For a long time, Wen Yao remained silent, not giving him any response.

His brows furrowed, and his gaze gradually deepened. He was afraid that she might change her mind, that she might go back on her words.

"Yao Yao, if you don't speak, I'll take it as you've consented," he said, his eyes fixed on her, glinting with determination.