Clash of the Two Overlords for Love

Wen Yao looked up at him, her beautiful eyes filled with shock. He kissed her? How did she, as the person involved, not know about it?

"Yao Yao, he admitted it himself! Are you still going to defend him?" Gu Chuanze couldn't believe that he openly admitted it without any remorse or shame.

Wen Yao explained again, "I'm not defending him. I'm just telling the truth. He really didn't..."

"I did," Lu Yancheng's firm voice interrupted.

She was trying to explain, but he seemed determined to make it look worse, leaving her speechless.

Wen Yao gave him an annoyed glare. "Lu Yancheng, are you out of your mind again?"

He lowered his eyelashes and looked at her with a soft gleam in his eyes.

Seeing this, Gu Chuanze exploded. "You dare to seduce my sister and cast seductive glances at her! Brothers, get him!"

With that command, Gu Chuanze's men were about to charge.

"Gu Chuanze!" Wen Yao spoke up to stop them.

"Sister, don't worry. I'll handle this for you!" Gu Chuanze was adamant.