Legend and Wishes

Hearing this, Song Yiling's face turned pale, and she didn't dare to be arrogant anymore. She wasn't a fool, and she understood her current situation very well. For Luding Entertainment, she was already a discarded piece. Hearing Mr. H's words, which didn't indicate giving up on her, ignited a glimmer of hope in her heart. Her mind became clearer; if Mr. H abandoned her as well, she truly would have nothing left.

"I was wrong, I know I was wrong, Mr. H, please help me!" Song Yiling had no other options; she could only cling to him.

"When your star path is ruined, you should find a way to rise again," Jiang Mohan's voice sounded unhurriedly.

"How can I rise again? It's impossible now..." Song Yiling shook her head. At this crucial moment, her mind became much clearer.