You’ve Disgraced the Face of the Hua Mansion!

As the situation with Li Yuan gradually stabilized, A'mo wore a composed expression, paying no attention to the astonished A'duo standing beside him with his mouth agape.

He knew that everything was under the control of Lord Li Yuan.

Hua Qianqian tended to Li Yuan’s wounds, and he had already fallen into a deep slumber.

Gazing at Li Yuan’s pale face, Hua Qianqian furrowed her delicate brows.

Just now, she had examined his pulse and symptoms, realizing that he wasn’t afflicted with a strange illness, but rather a rare poison.

She had read about this poison in a notebook she found in the countryside.

The notebook resembled a travelogue, documenting various strange occurrences.

One of the entries mentioned a tribe in the southwest, where the moon was their totem, and the highest-ranking individual in the tribe was the Holy Maiden.

However, the chosen Holy Maiden had to possess a pure heart, forsaking love and emotions throughout her life.

To ensure the Holy Maiden achieved this, her body would be smeared with the juice of the Silver Moon Flower shortly after birth.

The tribe considered this juice sacred, but Hua Qianqian found the venomous liquid to be cruel.

Each time the poisoned individual experienced a relapse, their condition would worsen.

If the poison couldn’t be cured, the person would eventually cough up blood and perish.

But who could truly forsake love and emotions?

As a result, almost every Holy Maiden of the tribe died before reaching the age of eighteen, perishing in the prime of their lives.

At that time, she had thought it was a fabricated story, merely skimming through it.

Little did she expect that such a peculiar poison truly existed in this world!

If she hadn’t read that notebook, she would have been clueless about the antidote.

Lost in her thoughts, Hua Qianqian was interrupted by Li Yuanbang, who had already taken Li Yuan back to his room.

Concerned, Old Lady Li asked, “Qianqian, how is Yuan’er?”

Hua Qianqian held her hand, pondered for a moment, and decided not to mention the poisoning incident with her grandmother.

Old Lady Li had spent her whole life worrying about her grandchildren, and it had taken a toll on her health. She couldn’t let her worry any further.

“He will be fine, Grandmother. I will find a way to cure him. Please rest assured.” Hua Qianqian reassured.

“You can cure him!?” Old Lady Li exclaimed.

Before Old Lady Li could speak, Li Yuanbang, who had returned to the room, eagerly asked Hua Qianqian about the poisoning incident.

Hua Qianqian composed herself and nodded earnestly, “Not at the moment, as I still require various medicinal ingredients. But I can help control Li Yuan’s condition.”

Old Lady Li believed that Hua Qianqian wouldn’t lie, and her joy was tinged with a hint of tears.

Li Yuanbang’s eyes sparkled with anticipation.

Even the two shadowy figures lurking in the background were excited, their hands sweating profusely.

A'duo raised an eyebrow, observing A'mo’s eyebrow movements.

He wondered: Can we trust the Young Miss’s words? Every time Master sees her, he becomes infuriated. She seems to be his nemesis. What if she fails to cure him and ends up aggravating his condition?

Although A'mo also had doubts about Hua Qianqian, he couldn’t ignore the fact that no one else could cure Master.

Now that there was a glimmer of hope before them, he didn’t want to miss this opportunity.

He impatiently raised an eyebrow at A'duo, indicating that everything would be arranged when the time came.

A'duo looked at A'mo’s incoherent eyebrow movements and disdainfully pursed his lips.

Master was so afraid of encountering Miss Hua that he would never allow her to treat him!

When the time came, he would definitely help Master share his worries and prevent this Miss Hua from getting close to him again!

Inside the room, although Old Lady Li was delighted that Li Yuan could finally be saved, she couldn’t help but worry about Hua Qianqian’s current situation.

“Qianqian, you left Yongning Earl’s Mansion last night, and they must be very displeased. If they find out you came to see us and treat Li Yuan, what will you do when you return?”

Li Yuanbang also looked at Hua Qianqian with concern, sharing his grandmother’s worries. In the past, if the Yongning Earl’s Mansion had bullied Hua Qianqian, they could rely on their family’s power to support her.

However, their family had fallen to such a state now, and those despised people from Yongning Earl’s Mansion might scheme against Hua Qianqian behind her back!

With these thoughts in mind, Li Yuanbang felt a heavy burden on his chest.

How could his precious little cousin, whom he had cherished in his hands, be snatched away by that foolish Xiao Yan?

He gritted his teeth, and his handsome face contorted into a bun-like shape.

If necessary, he would secretly tie up Xiao Yan and give him a good beating! That would surely bring some relief to Qianqian!

“If you find it troublesome, then go back. Write a prescription for me, and I will fetch the medicine for Li Yuan.”

Li Yuanbang’s thoughts were consumed by worries for Hua Qianqian.

However, when speaking to her, his tone remained bitter.

Observing Li Yuanbang’s awkward demeanor, a warm smile appeared on Hua Qianqian’s face.

This made Li Yuanbang even more uncomfortable under Hua Qianqian’s gaze.

He hastily sat down, muttering with a pouty mouth, “Ever since you entered the door last night, everything has been strange. If someone who didn’t know saw you crying like that, they would think you had disappeared forever! If you’ve suffered any grievances, why don’t you speak up? I’ve been itching for a fight these past few days!”

While Hua Qianqian was contemplating how to inform her grandmother and Li Yuanbang about her divorce from Xiao Yan, the sound of reins being pulled tightly echoed from outside the courtyard.

Before long, someone knocked on the door, and Li Yuanbang got up to answer it, followed by Hua Qianqian.

Upon seeing the visitors, Hua Qianqian’s breath hitched, and her hand, hidden in her sleeve, clenched into a fist.

The visitors were none other than her cousin, Hua Shuyue, who was adored by countless people, and her former sister-in-law, Xiao Lan.

Riding alongside them was her brother, Hua Jingli.

Hua Shuyue was dressed in a sky-blue dress, her hair simply tied back with a ribbon. Her beautiful face may not have been breathtakingly stunning, but she knew how to adorn herself, and her perfectly applied makeup enhanced her appearance.

When Hua Shuyue spotted Hua Qianqian, her eyes filled with concern. She quickly walked up to her and took hold of her hand, saying, “younger sister, you’re really here! You, as a married woman, how can you be so willful? Go back home with me!”

Suppressing the intense hatred welling up inside her, Hua Qianqian brushed off Hua Shuyue’s hand and coldly replied, “Home? Which home? Your home or mine?”

Hua Qianqian’s icy attitude and suggestive words surprised everyone present.

“Hua Qianqian, how can you speak to our sister like this!”

Hua Jingli’s voice, filled with anger, resounded in Hua Qianqian’s ears.

She looked up and saw a young man in dark clothing dismounting from his horse.

He was exceptionally handsome, with strong eyebrows and eyes, and a tall figure exuding masculinity from every pore.

At this moment, his face was filled with annoyance, making him appear even more serious as he sternly approached Hua Qianqian and lectured her, “I heard that you even harmed Miss Xiao. You are a lady raised in the Hua Mansion. How can you be so impolite and aggressive? You have brought shame upon the Huan Mansion! Quickly apologize to Miss Xiao and go back with us to apologize to our grandfather.”

“Brother, don’t be so harsh on our sister!”