Li Yuan Doesn’t Regard Hua Qianqian as a Woman at All!

The resolute words of Old Lady Li left the Hua family speechless for a moment. The warmth from Madam Li’s hand transmitted to Hua Qianqian’s palm, infusing her body with infinite strength. She had never known that her maternal grandmother could unleash such a formidable aura for her sake. Madam Li gazed at Hua Qianqian and continued, “Qianqian, from now on, you will stay here. This is your home, and I dare anyone to take you away!”

Li Yuanbang, clenching a hoe, emerged from the courtyard and shouted at people from Hua Mansion, “Did you hear that? Leave now!”

With a forceful swing, he nearly struck Old Lady Hua, leaving her on the verge of fainting.

Hua Jingli wanted to intervene, but Li Yuanbang didn’t hesitate to strike him, shocking Old Lady Hua and almost causing her to fall.

“Mother!” Madam Li exclaimed, rushing to support Old Lady Hua as she staggered backward. Before she could say anything else, Li Yuanbang forcefully slammed the door shut.

Old Lady Hua, a first-class noblewoman, had been driven out in such a disheveled state.

She was too furious to utter a word, her chest heaving violently.

Hua Shuyue hurriedly approached and supported her, comforting her, “Grandmother, are you all right?”

“Such a wicked child! How could Hua Mansion produce such a wicked child?”

“younger sister is still young; she probably doesn’t understand the consequences of being associated with divorce. In due time, she will realize that we only want what’s best for her!”

Old Lady Hua’s anger grew, punctuating her words with the thud of her cane.

“If she had any sense, she wouldn’t have done such a thing! When you fell into the river back then, Qianqian didn’t even try to save you. I knew she wasn’t good! We should have sent her to the village back then! And now, Hua Mansion has a divorced woman. Everyone will think our family has problems, and your reputation, along with your brothers’, will be tarnished! What will happen to your marriages? My poor Shuyue!”

Madam Li felt a pang of distress upon hearing Old Lady Hua’s words.

She had always held a grudge against Qianqian for the incident when Hua Shuyue accidentally fell into the water.

Rumors and gossip spread throughout Jing City, with many claiming that Qianqian had intentionally pushed Hua Shuyue into the water.

Hua Shuyue was the only daughter left by the second wife of her father, and if she had died, the family’s inheritance would have fallen into the hands of the first wife’s children.

It was a situation she had never even considered!

Hua Qianqian’s reputation had been tainted ever since, and she had not fared well.

This time, when Hua Qianqian suddenly divorced Xiao Yan, Old Lady Hua accused her of instigating it.

But she hadn’t! She had done so much, putting all her efforts into treating Hua Shuyue like her own daughter, but Old Lady Hua still didn’t believe her.

Li Shi felt exhausted, unable to understand how she had given birth to such a selfish and willful daughter like Qianqian.

Hua Shuyue consoled Old Lady Hua “Grandmother, calm down. Don’t worry, I will find a way to bring Qianqian back to the Yongning Earl’s Mansion.”

Madam Li, seeing Hua Shuyue trying to resolve the situation, quickly agreed, “Yes, Mother, Qianqian has always listened to Shuyue. Shuyue is so clever; she will find a way to bring Qianqian back!”

Unable to forcefully enter the Li Mansion and take Qianqian away, Old Lady Hua glared at Madam Li before angrily returning to the carriage.

Once the people of Hua Mansion had left, Li Yuanbang, who had been eavesdropping by the door, finally returned to his room.

He noticed Hua Qianqian sitting on the side and recalled Hua Mansion’s treatment of her, which infuriated him.

“Just let it go! It’s not hard to find a frog with two legs, let alone a person with two legs! That scoundrel Xiao Yan is nothing compared to you! Besides, if Hua Mansion doesn’t want you, we do. You are your grandmother’s beloved. Why bother subjecting yourself to their mistreatment?”

Hua Qianqian nodded gently, a smile forming at the corner of her mouth.

“I understand. From now on, I have no relationship with them!”

Her words left everyone feeling a mix of emotions.

They believed she was forcing a smile, considering how important Hua Mansion and Xiao Yan were to her.

Only Hua Qianqian knew that she was recalling her past life’s suffering and was grateful for the opportunity to be reborn and escape misery.

Perhaps due to the conflict with Hua Mansion, Li Yuan’s complexion didn’t look good.

After escorting him back to his room, Hua Qianqian carefully examined his wounds and then stayed by his side to observe his condition.

However, after a tiring night, she ended up dozing off drowsily by Li Yuan’s bedside.

As Li Yuan gazed at Hua Qianqian before him, it seemed as if a ray of light had penetrated his dark eyes, causing the accumulated ice and snow within him to gradually melt away.

Noticing her restless sleep due to the stray strands of hair falling on her face, he involuntarily reached out and brushed them aside.

Inadvertently, his fingertips brushed against Hua Qianqian’s plump cheek, causing a tickling sensation in his throat.

His gaze dimmed, and he quickly withdrew his hand.

This unexpected scene left A'duo, who was lurking in the shadows, dumbfounded.

He had never seen his Master display such tenderness before, especially towards a Young Miss.

In Beijiang, countless maidservants yearned to serve their master due to his dignified appearance, but they were dismissed without even touching the hem of his clothes.

And now, Master allowed Hua Qianqian to sleep by his side and even helped her tidy her hair!

Could it be that he was hallucinating?

Otherwise, Master simply did not regard Hua Qianqian as a woman!

But then again, considering how Hua Qianqian was almost as heavy as he and A'mo combined, it was normal for Master not to see her as a woman.

Completely unaware of Li Yuan’s gaze, Hua Qianqian was deeply trapped in a nightmare, unable to free herself.

After an unknown period of time, she tearfully opened her eyes and saw a man with dark hair tied up sitting in front of her.

Without hesitation, she reached out and grasped his slender and fair hand, feeling the genuine touch. Only then, did her suspended heart finally settle.

Seeing her in such a distressed state, Li Yuan furrowed his brows tightly.

He pursed his thin lips and the hand resting by his side involuntarily clenched into a fist.

If she couldn’t bear to part with Xiao Yan so much, why did she choose to leave?

Retracting his hand, Li Yuan’s tone turned cold and harsh as he said, “What are you doing? Have you gone mad in your sleep?”

Upon hearing this reprimand, Hua Qianqian finally regained some clarity.

As she took a good look at the handsome face before her, she realized that she had impulsively held Li Yuan’s hand!

Hua Qianqian suddenly felt a sense of embarrassment, and her plump face instantly flushed with a rosy hue.