This Soup Is Sour!

Li Yuan was willing to return to the capital, and the Emperor had also gained control over Prince Cheng's Mansion.

For now, he wouldn’t harm Li Yuan, but who knows what might happen in the future.

Old Lady Li was somewhat worried.

If she entrusted Qianqian to him, she wondered if Li Yuan would be able to protect her well. However, she quickly thought again that even if Qianqian were in a prestigious household like the Yongning Earl’s Mansion, it didn’t guarantee her safety and smoothness.

If Li Yuan truly treated her sincerely, she believed that with their abilities, they could create a peaceful place for themselves.

With a plan in mind, a smile appeared on Old Lady Li’s face.

She pondered for a moment and tentatively asked Li Yuan, “Now that you’re staying in the capital, has the Emperor or the Empress Dowager mentioned your marriage?”

Upon hearing this, Li Yuan’s ears turned slightly red, and he instinctively glanced in the direction of the side courtyard kitchen.