Adding and Changing Scenes, Tailor-Made for Her

Outside the door, a crowd gathered, startled by the noisy commotion inside.

No one knew why Ms Chen, who was usually calm and composed, suddenly erupted in anger, even mentioning Blaklist.

Shen Yunchu, on the other hand, walked out gracefully, seemingly unaffected by the chaos inside.

"I'm here today to terminate the contract. With your mediocre company, it's only a matter of time when I quit!"

Upon hearing the commotion, Assistant Wang hurriedly ran over.

"Sis, what happened?"

Shen Yunchu asked directly, "How much compensation do I have to pay if I terminate the contract?"

Assistant Wang nervously fidgeted with her clothes.

They all knew that Shen Yunchu was poor, and she had mentioned before that she was willing to work hard to support her family.

But now, without any notice, without any money, and still having to pay a penalty, what should Shen Yunchu do?

"Ten times the compensation," Assistant Wang hesitantly replied, afraid to startle her with the number.

Shen Yunchu pinched her nose, trying to recall how much that was.

Trembling, Assistant Wang extended five fingers, "Fifty million."

Shen Yunchu fell silent. Was her five years of youth only worth fifty million?

Knowing that the number had shocked her, Assistant Wang tried to console her, "Sis, shall we endure it? Ms Chen will forget about it after a while."

Shen Yunchu was not someone who could swallow her pride.

She left the company directly. Assistant Wang hurriedly followed behind her.

Upon returning home, the man sitting on the sofa was flipping through a magazine. Shen Yunchu didn't even glance at him before she headed upstairs.

Gu Jinwei heard the footsteps and didn't bother to look up.

They both tacitly maintained a facade of non-interference.

Ring... The phone on the table rang.

Gu Jinwei answered the call. "Mr. Gu, Mr. Peng has confirmed it. There are some modifications. I have already sent them to your email. If there are no issues, we can finalize the contract with the Peng family tomorrow."

Gu Jinwei turned his head, and Shen Yunchu somehow appeared downstairs again.

She weakly searched through the refrigerator, finally taking out a box of yogurt and drinking a few sips.

Having not slept well early in the morning and being angered all the way, she now felt heavy-headed and exhausted.

Gu Jinwei carefully observed her figure and one word appeared in his mind: desolation.

Yes, it was desolation. Wasn't she the one who confidently declared that she would make a great career in the entertainment industry?

She went to the bar yesterday to celebrate her upcoming role. How did it suddenly feel like someone had poured cold water on her enthusiasm?

Gu Jinwei furrowed his brows. "Investigate the cast list of Cloudy Day. Check if Shen Yunchu is involved as the third female lead."

Assistant Lin was momentarily stunned. Why did his boss suddenly shift his focus to Madam?

Although he had doubts in his heart, he promptly assigned someone to handle it.

In no time, a complete cast list appeared in the information.

Gu Jinwei carefully searched from the main cast to the supporting roles, but her name was not there.

He didn't know much about the entertainment industry, but he could still comprehend the list in front of him.

Shen Yunchu's role had been snatched away. If the Shen family found out that their beloved princess had her coveted role taken from her, it wouldn't just be one or two people losing their jobs.

"Mr. Gu, the crew has made an official announcement," Assistant Lin's voice rang out again.

On Weibo:

One sword determines the world, one dream shocks the Western region. Dear viewers, please guide us:

@Chen Hong, @Jiang Xue, @Zhang Tingran, @Wang Yimeng, @Xue Yuanyuan.

"Ah, my Chen Hong hasn't participated in TV drama in three years. He's back, and my dream has come true. Finally, I have the opportunity to see Chen Hong act as the grandmaster in my lifetime."

"I thought it was just a marketing ploy, but it turns out to be officially true. Chen Hong and Jiang Xue teamed up, looking forward to next year's film and television drama."

"Sure enough, Yuanyuan plays the Snake Demon. I knew that someone was just creating hype. Are you regretting it now?"

"No need to hide who it is. That person is Yunchu, the number one eye candy in the entertainment industry. She almost took away Yuanyuan's Snake Demon role."

Assistant Lin closed the webpage, anxiously waiting for the boss's next instructions.

He couldn't fathom why Mr. Gu suddenly paid attention to Madam's actions. After all, their marriage was just a family alliance.

Whether to say it or not, they were completely independent of each other.

Could it be that the boss was worried about the negative impact of Madam's involvement in the entertainment industry? But now, it seemed that the impact was indeed quite negative.

Gu Jinwei didn't bother to pay attention to any online information. Although he didn't want to focus too much on Miss Shen, he couldn't tolerate anyone bullying his wife, Mrs. Gu.

"Contact the investors of the 'Cloudy Day' drama and request to add a role in their name."

"..." Assistant Lin thought he had misheard. The filming was about to start, could they still add a role?

"Unless she gives up the role,herself no one can take it away!"