Why is the Game Different?

Shen Yunchu pushed aside the obstructing bushes and discovered an unexpected sight in this secluded place.

"Miss Yunchu has arrived! Quickly bring the props up, and now it's Miss Yunchu's turn to complete the mission." The staff members were ecstatic as if wild beasts had found their prey, their eyes gleaming with excitement.

Shen Yunchu glanced at the four guests beside him, who were all at a loss. "What's going on here?"

Zhou Yu smiled bitterly, "We were inexplicably tricked by the production crew."

Qi Cheng sighed, looking up to the sky. "I never expected that participating in a variety show would require studying Compendium of Materia Medica."

"My mind is filled with names of various herbs. They all seem to look the same. Why do they have different names?" Lin Zimao pondered as if contemplating the meaning of life.

Although Xue Yuanyuan remained silent, her eyes were full of disdain. Everyone in the company knew that Yunchu was a typical fish out of water.

She had dropped out of school to take care of her younger siblings, let alone distinguish between herbs from different fields. They believed that she couldn't even recognize uncommon characters if they were given to her.

She had made a fool of herself from the beginning, and now it was her turn to stumble.

The staff members carried a basket of things and placed them on the table.

Curiosity piqued, and everyone gathered around to see what strange and peculiar herbs they had to classify this time.

"We are a wilderness survival program, and we need to familiarize ourselves with many uncommon things found in the mountains and forests. Otherwise, if we accidentally consume something, it could be life-threatening." The staff continued with their rehearsed speech.

Shen Yunchu leaned into the frame and her expression froze. She began to doubt if she had seen it correctly.

"Here we go again, another guest starting to question her life choices."

"I heard that the production crew doesn't want anyone to pass this level. Rumor has it that the punishment for this level is a black soft drink that can make people vomit."

"I just saw the staff members juicing. They threw several types of vegetables and fruits into the juicer."

"I saw it too, bitter gourd, water celery, coriander, and even fermented bean curd."


"Next, Miss Yunchu, please classify the items here."

Shen Yunchu looked uncertainly at the group of people behind her who were just watching. "What's so difficult about it?"

Qi Cheng innocently replied, "I'm not a student of Traditional Chinese Medicine. How could I possibly differentiate between poisonous and medicinal herbs?"

"I have it worse. They want me to separate herbs for treating colds from those that are used for stopping bleeding." Lin Zimao's head was buzzing.

"I'm relatively lucky. I just need to distinguish between herbs and wild plants, but they all look so similar to me. It's giving me a headache." Zhou Yu awkwardly looked at the camera. "I'm also helpless."

Shen Yunchu was stunned. "Aren't we supposed to classify vegetables and fruits?"

"..." The whole room fell silent.

Qi Cheng was the first to step forward, and as he moved, the camera finally focused on the overflowing basket.

Shen Yunchu shamelessly burst into laughter. "Looks like this is my lucky day."

"Director, why is hers different?" Lin Zimao couldn't let it go. "Why is Yunchu in easy mode while the rest of us are in hell mode?"

The staff member replied nonchalantly, "The herbal props have been used up, so we had to replace them with something else."


"Miss Yunchu, please complete the classification within ten minutes. The timer starts now."

Shen Yunchu calmly began sorting the vegetables and fruits, finishing the entire classification in less than two minutes.

"Miss Yunchu, you may continue forward. The next step is the punishment segment. The other four participants, please look to your right."

Shen Yunchu couldn't miss this exciting punishment segment. She even wanted to assist the staff in bringing up the cups of vegetable juice, which had been mixed with who knows how many dark ingredients.

Xue Yuanyuan's face warped. Why was Yunchu's task so simple? It seemed as if the production crew had deliberately arranged it this way.

"What is all this?" Qi Cheng almost vomited just from the smell.

"It's a vegetable juice made from a mixture of eighteen vegetables and eight herbs. It clears heat and detoxifies. Qi Cheng, you mustn't leave a drop, or else you'll have to drink another cup." The staff member pointed to a large pot nearby, indicating that there was plenty more to drink slowly.

The scene fell eerily quiet for a few seconds.

But the barrage of comments on the screen was filled with laughter.

As night fell, the setting sun's afterglow cast a golden hue over the mountains and forests, enveloping them in tranquility.

Shen Yunchu felt as if she had transformed into a beautiful koi fish, effortlessly reaching the mountaintop in the first place.

She opened her arms to welcome the gentle breeze of the evening sun.

She loved Spring when the warm breeze carried a sense of comfort.

In the camera's frame, Shen Yunchu appeared like an untouchable celestial being, her hair blowing and scattering. She turned her head to face the camera, smiling brightly.

"I know the barrage is probably filled with comments like 'she's so beautiful' and 'she's so stunning.' Don't praise me, I know. I am the most beautiful woman in the entertainment industry."


"Another day of wanting to mute Yunchu."

"Yunchu looks ethereal when she doesn't speak, but as soon as she opens her mouth, she becomes annoying!"

"Such a misbehaving mouth!"