What Happened Last Night

Shen Yunchu trembled as she picked up her phone from the ground. Looking at the dozen missed calls on the screen, tears of frustration welled up in her eyes.

She felt violated as if she had been completely wiped clean without any recollection.

That damn man, why didn't he wait for her to regain consciousness?

Last night, she was so drunk that she felt like a lifeless corpse. Can a female corpse even feel anything?

"Darling, why didn't you answer the phone last night? Didn't you ask me to call you if there was no news by ten o'clock?" Qin Yuan anxiously inquired.

With no news all night, who knows how long she had been worried and scared? She almost couldn't resist driving over to rescue her.

"I... I..." Shen Yunchu, who was usually eloquent, couldn't utter a single word today. How should she explain? Should she say that she was taken advantage of by Gu Jinwei, that beast, while she was drunk last night?