I Have No Plan to Go Back

Knock... The sound of knocking on the door echoed.

Shen Yunchu took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down.

"Sis, I brought breakfast for you. We're running late, should we eat in the car on our way to the hotel?" Assistant Wang urgently said, carrying bags and packages.

Shen Yunchu tapped her still half-asleep head and said, "Let me freshen up first. Wait for me a moment."

Assistant Wang entered the room with the things and only then noticed there was someone else inside.

The two of them stared at each other for a moment.

Startled, Assistant Wang quickly closed the door and hurriedly squeezed into the bathroom. "Sis, what did you do last night?"

Shen Yunchu, brushing her teeth without understanding the situation, tilted her head and mumbled, "What else could I do in the middle of the night if not sleep?"

Assistant Wang swallowed nervously and hinted, "Did you sleep alone or with someone else?"