Let's Create a Buzz Together

Shen Yunchu was left speechless upon seeing him, further confirming her suspicions. "Mr. Gu, there's no need to worry or get worked up. Whether it's the mysterious Qin family or the influential eldest brother, I will handle it with discretion. After all, I am a married woman and a positive role model in the entertainment industry. I won't do something I know I shouldn't."

Gu Jinwei found her amusing and teased, "Since that's the case, Mrs. Gu, would you like to arrange a role for me too?"

Shen Yunchu didn't understand his hidden meaning and asked, "What do you mean?"

Gu Jinwei intentionally leaned closer to her, leaving only a fist's distance between them.

Instinctively, Shen Yunchu took a step back, her entire back pressed against the car door. Anxious, she asked, "Why are you getting so close when you speak? What's the purpose?"

"Mrs. Gu, how about arranging a role for me as your pampered assistant in a luxurious hidden chamber?"

"Are you out of your mind?"