Who Is the Tonics For?

Nanny Chen had lived for most of her life, and even if she was getting old and confused, she could still understand written instructions.

She looked at the young master, whom she had watched grow up since childhood, with a touch of concern.

Gu Jinwei had always stood at the pinnacle of the pyramid, enjoying the highest quality of life in the upper echelons of society.

Whether it was in academics or career, he always excelled and never had any worries.

But now Nanny Chen was a bit anxious. The young master had been outstanding since childhood, and the master and madam believed they had given birth to the most perfect son in the world, with high intelligence and emotional quotient. However, ...

No wonder, at the age of twenty-eight, he had never had a girlfriend. Madam even suspected that he might not like girls, but she compromised and thought it would be fine as long as he liked clean boys.