Who Is He Chatting With?

Shen Yunchu couldn't guess what was happening online, but right now, she just wanted to stay away from those two male groups that came with their own background music.

Gu Jinwei gently pressed down on the hat on her head. "No one will notice you."

"Your words are quite insulting, you know?" Shen Yunchu replied.

Gu Jinwei didn't understand the hidden meaning behind her words. "Your words make me feel invisible as if no one notices me," Shen Yunchu sighed softly.

Gu Jinwei lowered his head and smiled lightly. "I was praising your excellent disguise skills, wasn't I?"

"If they were true fans, how could they be deceived by my shallow camouflage?" Shen Yunchu clicked her tongue, feeling clueless.

Gu Jinwei smiled and remained silent. His phone kept vibrating in his pocket, most likely due to a group chat.