Be Slandered Again

The production team was still busy moving equipment, and all the artists who arrived at the scene were arranged to rest briefly in the tents.

Shen Yunchu lifted a corner of the tent and surveyed the slightly chaotic staff outside. As they were filming by the seaside, the production team was cooperating with divers to repeatedly test the safety of the nearby waters for the artists' well-being.

"Sis, weren't you supposed to come with your brother-in-law?" Assistant Wang arrived at the scene after catching a late flight.

Shen Yunchu didn't answer her question but instead gave her a meaningful look, hinting at something.

Assistant Wang then noticed the cameras placed inside the tent. Had the live broadcast already started?

Shen Yunchu subtly nodded, "Just give me the things, you can go rest now."

Assistant Wang put down her luggage and expressed some concern, "Sis, we might have to go to that small island today. Can you swim?"