
Gu Jinwei didn't receive a response and the voice sounded anxious once again, "Where are you now?" Shen Yunchu snapped back to reality, "It's nothing. The director has arranged a speedboat to come over. We'll be able to leave this island soon."

"A speedboat?" Gu Jinwei felt like she was joking with him.

With such strong winds and waves, even large ships wouldn't dare to set sail, let alone a small speedboat.

The production team wouldn't risk the lives of the guests by sending them out in experimental speedboats during such stormy weather!

"Stay put and don't move." Gu Jinwei's voice suddenly turned cold and authoritative, commanding without room for argument.

Before Shen Yunchu could finish her sentence, he hung up. Zhou Yu saw that she had ended the call and spoke up, "Your husband?"

Shen Yunchu put away her phone, "Yes."

"I'm surprised you got married at such a young age." Zhou Yu couldn't see any joy of marriage on her face.