Who Got Poisoned?

Overnight, the news spread like wildfire, and it was impossible for the crew to keep it a secret.

When the major media outlets arrived at the film and television city, they found that the police had already set up a cordon, completely isolating the entire "Cloudy Day" crew.

"Is it true that someone has been poisoned? Can you reveal the identity of the victim?" a journalist eagerly questioned a janitor they managed to catch.

The janitor was overwhelmed by the crowd surrounding him and didn't know how to respond, hesitantly saying, "I don't know, I just started working here."

Seeing that he was clueless, the journalists had no choice but to shift their focus and approach other witnesses for information.

Now, the entire "Cloudy Day" crew is under investigation. It's inconceivable that with such a significant incident of poisoning and murder, involving dozens of people, not even a whisper of information leaked out.

Who could have been poisoned?

And who could be the perpetrator?