It Wasn't Me Who Poisoned You

At the same hospital, on the third floor: Xue Yuanyuan anxiously waited in the ward, her heart pounding like a drum, unable to sit still.

"The formalities have been taken care of, but you can't leave yet. The police will come soon to ask you some questions," Chen Lan's face turned pale, her eye sockets sunken, clearly indicating she hadn't rested well in the past few days.

Subconsciously, Xue Yuanyuan grabbed onto Chen Lan's sleeve. "Ms Chen, I swear I didn't poison Yunchu. It wasn't me."

Chen Lan shook off her grip. "It's not about whether I believe you or not, it's about whether the police believe you."

"Even if I hate Yunchu, I would never resort to poisoning. It's illegal and could cost someone's life if even a slight mistake is made."

"Then why did your assistant appear on the set? It was quite a coincidence that she was discovered. Who would believe your words now?" Chen Lan was also overwhelmed.