Brand Fashion Show

Gu Jinwei could feel her breath sprinkling on his neck, hot and itchy.

Shen Yunchu had always been independent and unique. At first, this feeling of being confined made her feel curious, but over time, her rebellious heart began to stir again.

She wanted to go out, to fly out of this city that trapped her. Gu Jinwei chuckled.

Shen Yunchu felt her rebellious emotions, which she had been brewing for a long time, instantly crushed. Why is he laughing?

Gu Jinwei nodded, "I did consider raising Mrs. Gu like a canary, but I'm afraid that by doing so, I would lose my own home."

Shen Yunchu released her grip on him and snorted, "This is my job, Mr. Gu. Don't forget our pre-marriage agreement, no interference."

"I never said I disagreed with Mrs. Gu's participation," Gu Jinwei placed the itinerary aside.

Shen Yunchu was satisfied with his understanding and nodded, "That's good, I should also set off."
