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The meeting concluded in an eerie atmosphere.

As Gu Jinwei left the conference room, the tense emotions of everyone finally relaxed. One by one, they collapsed onto their chairs as if they had just experienced a life-or-death situation.

"Was that beautiful person called Beauty Yunchu is Madam's social media account?" someone asked.

"Madam is truly stunning. The Shen family has protected their only princess exceptionally well. From childhood to adulthood, not a single photo of her has ever been leaked online. Why is it so casually posted now?" another person inquired.

"Why does she look a bit like a celebrity? My daughter has been particularly fond of a black and red artist lately, claiming they are very entertaining. Why do I feel like I've seen this person before?"

"That social media account was Weibo, right? I never thought that at my age, I would still be learning to download these apps like a young person."