I Love My Husband Very Much

Both of them maintained a silent understanding, unwilling to bring up the topic again. They pretended as if nothing had happened, with one going upstairs and the other entering the study.

Shen Yunchu felt that something was amiss. It wasn't the first time she had mentioned No. 1 Brother in front of Gu Jinwei, but he always seemed to speak up for him. Why would he defend a man who had his eyes on his own wife?

As Shen Yunchu looked at her face in the mirror, a face she had been looking at for over twenty years but still couldn't get enough of, she wondered if this was the power of love.

Was Gu Jinwei willing to set aside his hatred for his rival in order to soothe her unease? Was he choosing to forgive him openly and honestly?

She suddenly realized that she had misunderstood Gu Jinwei all along. He wasn't as vengeful as she had imagined, nor was he a heartless businessman who only cared about profit. He was noble, sacred, and magnanimous.