Singing My Famous Song

If anyone still fails to comprehend this statement, then they might as well go back to the drawing board and start anew.

Secretary Jiang remained stunned at her desk for several seconds, only realizing what had happened after the two individuals had left.

Was that enigmatic woman, who concealed herself so well that even her own mother couldn't recognize her, actually the wife they had never exposed before?

But wait, if the Madam had arrived at the Gu Mansion, was it necessary for her to hide herself so securely?

Shen Yunchu strolled casually, seemingly just here for a leisurely visit. As she passed each office, she curiously inquired about this and that, until she reached the entertainment room and contentedly pushed the door open.

Secretary Li dared not utter a word, as if she had become a soul, not even making a sound with her footsteps.

Shen Yunchu said, "Could I trouble this Miss Secretary to help me turn on the machines?"