A New Variety Show

The plane landed on time in Huai City.

Shen Yunchu waited at the exit, watching as Mr. Gu, who had been on his phone since getting off the plane, suddenly felt that it was inappropriate to bring him to Huai City.

After all, he managed such a large conglomerate, with millions of dollars in funds at his disposal every minute.

And now, this esteemed president had been delayed from his rightful duties because of her. She felt a sense of being a beauty that captivated a king, leading to the downfall of a nation and its people.

Shen Yunchu sighed deeply, suddenly feeling a sense of being a mesmerizing imperial concubine herself.

Gu Jinwei finished a brief conference call, his expression as calm as ever. "What's wrong?"

"Is Mr. Gu busy with work?" Shen Yunchu still had a bit of conscience left and asked.

"It's been taken care of. Some minor matters have been delegated to Lin Chen," Gu Jinwei replied.