On-Site Accident

The fate of this small boat's stability remained uncertain, as no one could predict its outcome.

However, with a sudden jolt, Zhang Cheng's displeasure became evident.

His exceptional skills were widely recognized within the industry, but his tendency to offend others with his sharp tongue and lack of empathy had earned him a reputation as a contradictory talent, simultaneously gaining fame and infamy.

This was one of the reasons why Xu Ting decided to accompany the shoot.

In case this straightforward and impulsive fellow started indiscriminately criticizing and berating others, interrupting the magazine's production would be a minor issue compared to the potential trouble caused by driving away the main subject. It could even lead to repercussions for the entire magazine staff.

Witnessing Zhang Cheng's imminent indiscriminate harm, Xu Ting hurriedly approached, taking three steps in two, and explained, "It's the strong wind, not Yunchu's fault."