Unconventional Marketing

Late at night, when everything was quiet, Shen Yunchu groggily woke up from her slumber. She had no idea when she had fallen asleep.

After a busy and exhausting day, her body felt dizzy and she couldn't keep her eyes open once she lay down on the bed.

So, she didn't wait for that guy to come out of the bathroom?

Shen Yunchu suddenly snapped awake and quickly checked her clothes, which were intact.

"..." She wanted to spit out a mouthful of saliva. She had wasted the entire night for nothing!

"Umm, send me the documents," a voice came from the living room.

Shen Yunchu looked uncertainly towards the bedroom door. Barefoot, she walked over, her steps muffled by the thick carpet.

She pressed her ear against the door, hearing occasional conversations and the sound of typing on a keyboard.

With a creak, Shen Yunchu pushed open the door.