A Personalized Program

Originally, every one intended to let go of the seemingly heavy box carried by Shen Yunchu.

However, upon hearing her words, even passing dogs would be attracted to take a glance. What could be inside that box to arouse such curiosity?

Shen Yunchu felt somewhat embarrassed, her eyes wandering among the crowd, regretting her impulsive decision to speak her mind in front of the camera.

However upon further reflection, Gu Jinwei must have instructed the production team on what to include or exclude from the show, so this segment would surely be edited out.

With this in mind, Shen Yunchu no longer felt burdened and calmly nodded, saying, "Let's open the box."

The staff unlocked the code lock, and several cameras focused on it. Shen Yunchu could almost see the excitement in the cameramen's eyes.

As the box was opened, a plethora of snacks overflowed from the gaps, creating a table full of treats.

